
Donate today and as our thank you gift you can receive one of our special edition

MJA T-Shirts!

$30+ donation for a T-Shirt

$50+ donation for 2 T-Shirts

Disclaimer: Michigan Justice Advocacy is a 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions to Michigan Justice Advocacy are not tax deductible; they support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts.

Donate Via Venmo:

  1. Login to Venmo
  2. Donate:
    Click on the three line bars on the top right and click search.
    Search: Michigan Justice
    Click on search result @michiganjustice and click on “pay or request”
    Enter amount
    Enter a comment on what size T-shirt you would like
    Click on pay.

Donate Via Zelle:

  1. Login to bank account
  2. Click on Quickpay with Zelle
  3. Click on “send money” or “send money with Zelle” if using bank account other than Chase.
  4. Search
  5. Enter amount you wish to donate
  6. Turn “repeat payment” on (optional).
    Enter frequency
    Duration: either enter number of payments you would like made or choose “no end date”
  7. Enter a memo (optional) – what size T-shirt you would like
  8. Click “next”
  9. Verify information
  10. Click “send it now”